by | Sep 24, 2013 | DIY Invitations Ideas, DIY Wedding Invitations
Coming up with great ideas is fun, especially when it’s for your big day. When deciding on a design for DIY wedding invitations and stationery, there are many great ideas that come to mind. You could use watercolours, photographs, specialty paper and embellishments and more. However, if your style aesthetic and preference is more simple and elegant, then these ideas using decorative tape might strike a fancy for you to feature on your DIY wedding invitations.
All you need to do up your DIY wedding invitations would be to purchase some invitation kits either of the pre-cut or hardcover variety, or even opt for printable invitation templates that comes with the invitation wording printed. In terms of supplies, you will need decorative tape, such as Washi Tape, scissors, paint and coloured pens/pencils if you want to add some decorations around the tape art too. These are just the basics. If you would like to add more elements, you can, as long as you and your fiancé like the end result. Let’s look at some ideas for your DIY wedding invitation.
Bunting designs are so happy and celebratory, so why not use it to represent your special day? All you need to get this look is a simple bunting scallop design across your DIY invitation card for your wedding, be it with one scallop loop, or even two or three, with little triangles cut to paste them on the line. The bunting flags can either be in one colour or design, or in several to create a fusion of lovely patterns that will go well together.
Mismatched Heights
If you want to be abstract with patterned and colour tape without sticking to a design, then this would be ideal. Paste varying tape designs and colours to the backdrop of your invitation card in mismatched heights. You can either align them at the bottom or the top (to mimic a streamer). You could even try this horizontally too. It creates a lovely shabby chic/rustic chic aesthetic based on the colour choices as well as the texture & colour of the paper it will be on. Add an accent such as a ribbon or some text on a different colour tape to finish it off.
Single Tape Features and Borders
You can always keep it simple by just opting for a thin strip of tape (either a quarter of the actual width) and pasting it as a single line feature aligned on one side. You can of course add a few similar lines of the same width or varying widths for more definition and a design feature in a singular location, or use it through the card as a border design.
Tape with Photographs
A simple way to add tape into your DIY wedding invitations that feature photographs would be to use it inconspicuously as an accent feature around the photograph itself (as it is the focal element of your design). You can use two strips of tape of varying length (cut on each edge either straight or ‘torn’), and pasting it on the top and bottom of the photograph. Another option is to tape the corners of the photo, for a great keepsake photographic DIY wedding invitation.
Stay tuned for more ideas and inspiration for your DIY wedding with great DIY wedding invitations and stationery!
Tape Bunting Image by Peach Blossom UK
by | Jan 31, 2013 | DIY Invitations Ideas, DIY Wedding Invitations
We all want our weddings to be spectacular, unique, and memorable. The first item we send to our guests and invitees is the wedding invitation. Shouldn’t it be spectacular, unique, and memorable too? That’s why we’ve come up with a few DIY wedding invitations ideas that you can be inspired to do for yourself.
Animal Prints – Designs and patterns, whether they are traditionally taken right out of the jungle or jazzed up in your own colour scheme for your wedding, you can spruce up your DIY wedding invitation either with these prints that you can purchase, print or even stamp with ink.
Modern Floral Illustrations – Big and bold floral illustrations have always been loved and will continue to do so, especially when you mix things up with the choices of colour. A singular floral element, or even an archipelago of them sporadically placed, makes a great impact especially with contrasts being put into place.
Clean Line Patterns – Chevron, Zigzag and other mod patterns that go great with pops of colour makes a great impact when put into use with your wedding stationery.
Doodle Designs & Illustrations – There is something really great about your own designs and illustrations being put into your message of love, even if it’s a doodle that you drew day-dreaming about your fiancé. You can truly personalise your DIY wedding invites this way.
Monograms, Motifs and Custom Designs – This design style to personalise your big day will always be a hit with any bride or groom, as it truly makes it special. Be sure to put some thought into your design, or have a professional help you with your vision.
Simple Textual Design with Solo Illustration – A typography trend that is a great hit with bridal couples involves a textual design that mixes one illustrated design for that pop to go with the awesome use of typography in the DIY wedding invitation, or custom design.
Accessorise with Belly Bands and Ribbon Cuts – Pocket-wedding invites are great because they let you be organised but there are other options, which are so easy to DIY, such as bellybands, where you can bundle everything together. You can also use the likes of ribbon cuts where the contents slide into the area between the cuts and ribbon inserts.
Border Magic – Adding a pop of colour or even a contrast makes for a great addition to your DIY wedding invitation. This can be with a foil, or a black lining or even a neon shade (if you are up for it and it goes with your wedding theme).
Try these great DIY wedding invitations ideas and make your big day a memorable one.
by | Jan 18, 2012 | DIY Invitations Ideas, DIY Wedding Invitations, Wedding Invitations Ideas
In a world where arts & crafts play a big role in families and homes alike, weddings are also taking a whirl of the DIY trend. That is why more and more brides are taking to their inner creativity for a DIY wedding. Find out how you can be creative to come up with DIY wedding invitation using the likes of watercolours, stamps and stencils.
When it comes to these three main materials, which can be used for DIY wedding invitations, the initial thing you have to do is figure out a colour or a colour theme, or even a theme for that matter, to jump start you in the right direction. Once that is done, and you know what you want to do, you need to acquire the base for your creation, which would be the DIY wedding invitation paper or even DIY wedding invitation kits.
Stamps, and by stamps I mean the ones which are associated with Stampin’ involves various illustrations already etched into rubber or wood that only requires some ink to convert the object on the paper, and presto, you have yourself a beautiful illustration on your DIY wedding invite. Most couple opt for this type of tool when they want something intricate, which cannot easily be drawn by hand, but that does not mean you cannot use it for larger more simple designs as well. The use of such stamps saves you the times of replicating your illustration and gives you a more natural feel as opposed to having it printed, as it looks more authentic. With such as DIY tool you can also use various method of colouring them too, from coloured pencils and pens, to crayons and watercolours too.
Stencils on the other hand, though similar to stamps, they are best used for creating patterns and coloured using the same options too. Stencils are great when you have to keep it neat, tidy and precise. This way you are assured that a certain design is replicated throughout the wedding invitation pack.
When it comes to watercolours, though it can be used with stamps and stencils both, watercolours can be used on its own, because the picture you draw can be done in a way that you wish. Its best to opt for this if you are an artist, because getting the same illustration right every single time can be quite difficult, and that is why stencils and stamps were introduced, to make life and wedding tasks easier. Therefore, find out which method suits you best and go with it. Carry out some samples and then choose which one is the easiest and the best looking, and then you will have your DIY wedding invite winner.
by | Dec 13, 2011 | DIY Invitations Ideas, DIY Wedding Invitations, Wedding Invitations Ideas
Chevron is a lovely pattern, which has been around for ages. Mostly used for insignia, chevron has invaded the design for various decades. The standard chevron pattern includes a zigzag pattern, however, depending on which way you hold the arrowhead, you can create various other patterns of your fancy. In today’s article, we are looking into using chevron patterns with DIY wedding invitations. An ongoing trend in the wedding industry, you can make many beautiful chevron-wedding invitation designs with the right inspirations, colour scheme and materials.
Layout, Patterns and Invitation Designs
Chevron is usually accompanied with one white chevron patterned line and then a coloured one, and depending on the colour you choose, you can match it with your wedding theme. The way you can go about with your wedding invitation design and the use of the pattern, is with the layout. Ways in which you can put the layout and the pattern to use include the likes of;
– Background either as bold and arrow design, or rolling pattern)
– Bisection of the wedding invitation given to the pattern with the opposite side being a solid colour, preferably of the wedding colour theme, or even something contrasting
– Border chevron design, with a bold lining and a white inner for the text area
– Watermark chevron design, so that the pattern is easy on the eye and is a nice surprise when you notice it.
– Emboss or engrave the design on the border area or even the area, which is not used for the wedding invitation wording.
– Line the inner area of your wedding invitation envelope with a chevron pattern, therefore when the invitee open the envelope you can clearly see what the theme of the wedding would be, that is, chevron.
Draw, Paint or Paste
Ways in which you can use DIY wedding invitation cards and then go about decorating them is with the use of the right materials, some inspiration and a vision. You can draw, paint or even cut out a chevron design or strips of paper to paste onto the paper for an artsy look and feel. You can even use lace as material to create the pattern on your DIY wedding invitation paper. Contrast is key, so keep to that effect.
Be Colour Coordinate, Go Monochrome or Technicolor
A great way of making your chevron wedding invitations stand out when you are opting to DIY it, is to use colour to create a lovely finished product. The choice of colour you use, especially if its monochrome is limited but gives off a eye catching effect. If you have a few colours in your colour scheme, you can alternate between them. If however, Technicolor is your thing, then colour away. A rainbow-wedding theme would be ideal for that choice of colour design and DIY wedding invitation.
Envision what you want for your DIY wedding invitation and use chevron for a beautiful execution and result!