Ways to Add Colour to Your DIY Wedding Invitations

A blank canvas is what we always start with, whether it is a painting or a wedding, or even the wedding invites. That is why many couples to be wed opt for DIY wedding invitation kits so that they can make their own masterpiece to represent and introduce the happiest day of their lives.

A DIY wedding invitation kit lets you figure out what your end result would be from the get-go. You can do up some samples and compare them at first before you set your mind to it, and even ask your closest friends and family for their opinion before confirming your choice of design and creation as your wedding invite.

The first step is to decide on the base colour that you want your DIY wedding invites in. You could take the easy route and choose either white or a neutral hue because you can never go wrong. If you are not sure of what you want, order a few samples in advance and try then out with the other accompanying materials you have acquired to add colour and ‘oomph’ to the wedding invite ensemble. You can add that special touch with the likes of the following.

Ribbons & Lace: Ribbons and lace would be easiest way to add pops of colours onto your DIY wedding creation. Not just using it, but the way you use it makes a difference. You can pair a few different colours together, or even weave them into a design.

Watercolour Paint: Watercolour paint creations are beautiful, because not only are you adding your own personal touch, but also the colour from watercolours leaves a beautiful texture when completed.

Dyeing and Paper Texturing: A great way to add a twist to your DIY wedding invite paper would be to add colouring, in terms of dyeing, which can be done using watercolour itself, or even applying a coat of watercolour paint using a sponge or cloth.

Stamps: Stamps are great ways to add a professional looking finish with flowing and intricate designs to your wedding invite. Choose designs that go well together, or overlap in different colours to bring life into the wedding card.

Stencils: Stencils are also great ways in which you can acquire great and intricate designs, where all you need to do is colour over a stencil, and presto, you have yourself beautiful look.

Stitching: Some brides opt to add a bit of stitching for a homely feel. If your wedding is a casual one, or you have a notebook or cross-stitch theme going on, this would be ideal.

Embellishments & Accessories: Adding buckles, little diamante brooches in varying colours depending on your theme would be ideal for bursts of colour in the right amounts.

Envelope Liners: Another way of adding colour to your DIY wedding invites is to add a great envelope liner that surprises your guests as they open it. It can be anything from a design, pattern to even photographs.

Watercolours, Stamps and Stencils for DIY Wedding Invitations

In a world where arts & crafts play a big role in families and homes alike, weddings are also taking a whirl of the DIY trend. That is why more and more brides are taking to their inner creativity for a DIY wedding. Find out how you can be creative to come up with DIY wedding invitation using the likes of watercolours, stamps and stencils.

When it comes to these three main materials, which can be used for DIY wedding invitations, the initial thing you have to do is figure out a colour or a colour theme, or even a theme for that matter, to jump start you in the right direction.  Once that is done, and you know what you want to do, you need to acquire the base for your creation, which would be the DIY wedding invitation paper or even DIY wedding invitation kits.

Stamps, and by stamps I mean the ones which are associated with Stampin’ involves various illustrations already etched into rubber or wood that only requires some ink to convert the object on the paper, and presto, you have yourself a beautiful illustration on your DIY wedding invite. Most couple opt for this type of tool when they want something intricate, which cannot easily be drawn by hand, but that does not mean you cannot use it for larger more simple designs as well. The use of such stamps saves you the times of replicating your illustration and gives you a more natural feel as opposed to having it printed, as it looks more authentic. With such as DIY tool you can also use various method of colouring them too, from coloured pencils and pens, to crayons and watercolours too.

Stencils on the other hand, though similar to stamps, they are best used for creating patterns and coloured using the same options too. Stencils are great when you have to keep it neat, tidy and precise. This way you are assured that a certain design is replicated throughout the wedding invitation pack.

When it comes to watercolours, though it can be used with stamps and stencils both, watercolours can be used on its own, because the picture you draw can be done in a way that you wish. Its best to opt for this if you are an artist, because getting the same illustration right every single time can be quite difficult, and that is why stencils and stamps were introduced, to make life and wedding tasks easier. Therefore, find out which method suits you best and go with it. Carry out some samples and then choose which one is the easiest and the best looking, and then you will have your DIY wedding invite winner.