by | Sep 27, 2011 | DIY Invitations Ideas, DIY Wedding Invitations, Wedding Invitations Ideas
Personalization always makes people feel that they are important, that they are thought of more often that they know, and that they are special to the person who sent them the personalized object. DIY wedding invitations are the perfect way to invite the most important people in your life to one of the most important events in your life.
Where to Start
- First you need to browse the website under the heading of DIY Wedding invitations. Here you will find many different shapes, colours, textures and styles. Think about the one that will fit your needs. If you have a favourite colour, you may want to choose that. If you have other cards that you will be ordering to go along with the invitation, you may want to choose a pocket style invitation.
- You can choose from standard wording available on the site, or use your own wording. Inserting a verse or poem that you both enjoy or describes your feelings for each other will make it all that much more personalized.

Check Before Your Order
- Make sure that all the information you are putting on the card is correct. Spelling, addresses, dates and dress code, if there is one, should all be accurate and spelled correctly since these will be printed exactly the way you specify.
- Make sure you are using an accurate count from the guest list. It is also wise to order a few extra since there are bound to be some who might have been accidently left off the list or new ones added at a later date.
- Make sure that you order all the other necessary cards at the same time. RSVP’s, accommodation and direction cards, place cards, name tags, napkin bands, table cards and thank you cards can actually be ordered in specially priced packets with the invitations or separately.

Get Some Help
Most men like to leave the majority of the wedding planning up to the woman. There are certain tasks and events he must be involved in, but when it comes to personalizing your invitations, you are probably completely on your own. This is when it is time to call your female friends and relatives to come and help you.
Think of what you want to put on the invitations and ask them to bring these items with them if they have any available. The process will go much quicker if several people are working on them at the same time. Make it a part. Include some drinks and snacks, put on some music, and have a blast with your female friends and family while working on your one of kind DIY wedding invitations.
Adding Special Items
When you are Doing It Yourself, you can add just about anything you want. Glitter, ribbon, buttons, lace, cut outs of flowers, beads, rhinestones and fake gems are all great additions. You can find all of these items at a craft store, and so much more. If you have the time and money, you can even have photos of where you met, or where he proposed, or of the two of you together to paste into the invitations.
These invitations will definitely be One of a Kind DIY’s that will be valued as keepsakes by many of your guests for years. They will also make each person feel special and close to you.
by | Jul 6, 2011 | DIY Wedding Invitations, Wedding Invitations Ideas
Is it time for you to get working on your wedding planning. Well, any time after getting engaged is a good time start on your planning, but they say 6-8 months before the date is a good time as well. Nevertheless, here you are and you are getting down to the nitty-gritty’s of wedding planning. If you have decided on a date and venue, and maybe even a theme, possibly one that you have wanted since you were little, then it’s time to start with the next phase, which would be the wedding invitations. One of the trends that are going around is to make it yourself and also using pocket wedding invites. So, if you are handy and creative, then DIY pocket wedding invitations would be a great choice for you.

The reason why pocket wedding invites are so popular is because they allow you to ensure that everything has its rightful place, especially when it comes to wedding invitations accessories such as the R.S.V.P. or reply card, the directions and accommodations card and so forth. What this invite design does is offer pockets which allow you to slide everything into place so that when the invite is received and opened, they will still remain in the same place and not get lost when the wedding day finally arrives.
However, there are many ways in which pocket of the wedding invite can be designed. You can have them either with a horizontal pocket on one side of the card, vertically on the same side of the card, or with horizontal or vertical pockets on both inners of the card, or multi-pockets on one side or it can even be diagonally cut to add a twist to the entire thing. These are some of the ways in which you can style the inner sides of your wedding invite to accommodate your wedding invitations stationery in a concise and organised manner, depending on which item is more important. For example, if you are to have cascading pockets, the most prominence should be given to that of the reply card and should be placed as the one most easily accessible.
Also, the great thing about Dreamday Invitations DIY pocket wedding invitations is the design is entirely up to you and you will be the one who decides the masterpiece it turns out to be. The front facing design would be the easiest, and considering the pockets on the inside, they are not too difficult to make. Just make sure that your vision is clear and just go for it.
by | Apr 21, 2011 | DIY Invitations Ideas, DIY Wedding Invitations, Wedding Invitations Ideas
When it comes wedding invitations there are a number of reasons why you’d want to take the journey down the DIY wedding invitations road. It could be to cut a few dollars off your wedding budget, or you might want to make your wedding invitations truly personal and totally unique, or you may be talented with design and craft and want a personally designed collection of wedding stationery to impress your guests. Either way, you can come up with great works of art, as you let your ideal wedding vision come to life. If you are planning on making DIY wedding invitations for your special day, there are many things to ponder upon and they could include the following;
* Adding your very own personality and creative flair with DIY Wedding Invitations
* Creating a sentimental memoir and keepsake for every one of your guests,
* For your budget its a great way to save money, and still produce beautiful wedding invitations.
Let’s look at each item in detail:
*Adding your very own personality and creative flair with DIY Wedding Invitations:
The great thing about DIY wedding invitations is that you don’t have to chose only from the designs of others and compromise on your own ideas to fit in to a pre-designed concept, wondering whether the whole ensemble may have been better another way. In fact you can make everything about your DIY wedding invitations as you see fit. From the colours that you are going to use, to the shapes and size of your designs to the embellishments and treatments that you can definitely put to use. These invites can be in the form of folded card, postcard styled ones, with cards even being accompanied by their own invitation boxes, or even more quirky and unique wedding invitations such as scrolls, or even message in bottles. There are so many ideas to choose from, adding your own touch of personality and flair will make it all the more special.
* Creating a sentimental memoir and keepsake for every one of your guests:
As one of your creations, and a masterpiece that had stemmed from your vision and creative imagination, inviting your guests using these DIY wedding invitations would be much like gifting them a special memoir, or keepsake of this great milestone in your lives. Especially precious for close family members and friends, who may want to include it in a photo album, or amongst their treasured possessions that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. A handmade DIY wedding invitation will become a important part of your wedding memories and your photo collection, and will something that can be admired and prized for the rest of your life.
* Your Budget; It’s a great way to save money, and still produce beautiful wedding invitations;
One thing about DIY wedding invitations that attracts many wedding planners and couples alike is the low cost factor. You’ll be able to slash your costs in half when you take up DIY wedding crafting. The costs that you will incur for the DIY kits, which are available with invitations retailers pre-printed and ready to decorate, are low and very easy on the budget. Craft items and fancy papers can be purchased from specialty retailers for very reasonable prices so, in the end, you have wonderful handmade wedding invitations, for a fraction of the cost of some store bought comparisons. Some invitation retailers allow you to customise your wording, meaning that they will print the exact wordings you would like, wherever you like on a DIY wedding invitations template, thus saving the worry of arranging for a calligrapher or getting it printed elsewhere, leaving only the personal final touches to add. DreamDay Invitations is one such retailer. Professionally printed DIY templates, sent direct to you ready to craft into the finest handmade wedding invitation collection you will have ever seen.
Good luck with your DIY wedding invitations. This may be what you were looking for all along.
by | Mar 23, 2011 | DIY Wedding Invitations, Wedding Invitations Ideas
Your special day is one that should receive every sort of praise that it deserves, because it is one that is extremely close and dear to the couple as well as their family and closest of friends. There are so many things to look into, and so much to be done.
Most couples start their wedding planning with the date, time and venue, and after that has been decided, then they start on the little details and usually involves deciding on a theme. With a theme, there’s so much you choose from the possibilities are endless. One thing that goes hand in hand with the theme, are the wedding invitations, because they can reflect the theme of the wedding and set expectations for the memorable day to all guest who receive them.
Your wedding invitations will indeed be the sneak preview to what your wedding day will look like, so when you know what your wedding theme is and how you want to portray it in the wedding invitations, what you can do is find new and creative ways to come up with great ideas to make your invites co-ordinate with your theme and still be unique and sensational.
DreamDay Invitations has a sensational range of designer inspired wedding invitations to suit every bride and groom designed to co-ordinate with every theme imaginable. Or, if you are a after that hand made look and have a little time on your hands, try our DIY Wedding Invitations range of templates, professionally printed and supplied ready to add your own special finishes and personal touches that make your collection exclusively yours.
When looking at weddings and invitations there are many ways in which you can style your announcement. It could be in the form of traditional wedding invites which can either be elegant or contemporary, with sophistication, modern influences, or beautiful photo wedding invitations.
There are many themes out there, and the one of the popular ones are beach themes. But that does not stop there. You could choose from a floral wedding theme, winter wedding theme, garden wedding theme with matching wedding invitations for them having accents of each factor. For example, if it’s a floral wedding theme, the wedding will include particular flowers in its décor, and likewise in the wedding stationery. If the look that you are going for is elegance for your wedding and invitations, then Black and White is very popular. Elegant wedding invitations, with minimalistic and simple designs, will amaze the recipients of your wedding announcement.
Whatever you may choose, always consider what the vision you dream about for your wedding, then let your dreams come true.
by | Mar 2, 2011 | DIY Invitations Ideas, DIY Wedding Invitations, Wedding Invitations Ideas
Could wedding invites get more fun! With DIY wedding invites it sure can! You’re given a blank canvas and voila, it’s yours to make as you please. No more hours trying to figure out which design you like better from the plethora of options available, you can make your own design just the way you want it, with supplies that are available at the bookstore, stationers or even the invitations retailers who retail their paper as well. So, with everything that you need readily available at your fingertips, what are you waiting for? Let the magic begin!
Get Your DIY Gear Ready
First of all, you need your basics. You need all the material you might need to come up with a masterpiece, better yet this masterpiece will be made by you, making it all the more special! You’ll need paper, which is the primary material, and thereafter utensils to cut, paste. Sometimes you will also need accessories, such as ribbons, glitter, and if you are going the extra mile other little knick-knacks that you want to incorporate into your DIY wedding invitations.
The paper you use is a crucial element of the whole entity. As there are various paper textures out there, with various hand feel types and of course, various intricate designs found in the texture as well.
Figure Out the Design
Once you’ve got the paper all ready to go along with the other materials you will need to come up with a design to bring life into your DIY wedding invites, to make them marvellous and dazzling. There are so many ways you can style your wedding invitations, and after various themes too. Be it a beach DIY wedding invite, a floral one, an elegant or even modern one, there’s no stopping you!
Add a twist to your DIY wedding invites
When you’ve got your paper and design, you might want to add a little touch of wonder with a little help of engraving or embossing. You can get the material for yourself for embossing with the use of velvet and the likes, but in case you need a more professional touch, you can dispatch them to invitations professionals, who will take care of it all for you. Whether the embossing or engraving is intricate in terms of varieties of filigree, or floral designs, or specific ones such as monograms, you can get those done to your liking.
With DIY wedding invites, you are given a whole range of ideas, which are true to yourself specifically. Don’t hold back, let that creative bone in you tingle and be on your way to greatness, for you special day.