by | Sep 27, 2011 | DIY Invitations Ideas, DIY Wedding Invitations, Wedding Invitations Ideas
Personalization always makes people feel that they are important, that they are thought of more often that they know, and that they are special to the person who sent them the personalized object. DIY wedding invitations are the perfect way to invite the most important people in your life to one of the most important events in your life.
Where to Start
- First you need to browse the website under the heading of DIY Wedding invitations. Here you will find many different shapes, colours, textures and styles. Think about the one that will fit your needs. If you have a favourite colour, you may want to choose that. If you have other cards that you will be ordering to go along with the invitation, you may want to choose a pocket style invitation.
- You can choose from standard wording available on the site, or use your own wording. Inserting a verse or poem that you both enjoy or describes your feelings for each other will make it all that much more personalized.

Check Before Your Order
- Make sure that all the information you are putting on the card is correct. Spelling, addresses, dates and dress code, if there is one, should all be accurate and spelled correctly since these will be printed exactly the way you specify.
- Make sure you are using an accurate count from the guest list. It is also wise to order a few extra since there are bound to be some who might have been accidently left off the list or new ones added at a later date.
- Make sure that you order all the other necessary cards at the same time. RSVP’s, accommodation and direction cards, place cards, name tags, napkin bands, table cards and thank you cards can actually be ordered in specially priced packets with the invitations or separately.

Get Some Help
Most men like to leave the majority of the wedding planning up to the woman. There are certain tasks and events he must be involved in, but when it comes to personalizing your invitations, you are probably completely on your own. This is when it is time to call your female friends and relatives to come and help you.
Think of what you want to put on the invitations and ask them to bring these items with them if they have any available. The process will go much quicker if several people are working on them at the same time. Make it a part. Include some drinks and snacks, put on some music, and have a blast with your female friends and family while working on your one of kind DIY wedding invitations.
Adding Special Items
When you are Doing It Yourself, you can add just about anything you want. Glitter, ribbon, buttons, lace, cut outs of flowers, beads, rhinestones and fake gems are all great additions. You can find all of these items at a craft store, and so much more. If you have the time and money, you can even have photos of where you met, or where he proposed, or of the two of you together to paste into the invitations.
These invitations will definitely be One of a Kind DIY’s that will be valued as keepsakes by many of your guests for years. They will also make each person feel special and close to you.
by | Apr 7, 2011 | DIY Wedding Invitations, Wedding Invitations Ideas
You are your very own person, and that being so, you are entering a new world of adventure and discoveries with another person for life, is an exciting and unique feeling. For your wedding you want everything to be just right, have the right touches, and the essence of both your personalities combined. You want something that is empowered by personality and that is unique. The best way to go this for your wedding day is to undertake some of the wedding elements and planning under your own wing. And one such element would be to come up with your very own unique DIY wedding invitations, handmade by you with your own ideas.
Have the paper or invitations professionally printed and prepared ready for your own creative influences, saving you time and the hassle of possible printing problems.If you put your heads together and decide on exactly what you want featured on your unique DIY wedding invitations, then you are halfway there. Let’s look at some unique wedding invitations ideas, which you can use to make your wedding invite truly something special, and of course memorable. We have featured here, a few ways of going about your diy wedding invites, as well as some accessories you can put to use in the creation of your own personal wedding stationery collection. From scrolls, to using boxes, and even a romantic message in a bottle, these are just some ideas for you to use on your unique DIY wedding invitations.
Scroll Wedding Invitations
Scrolls are historical and cultural items that have been around for ages. But the question is how many of us have actually even considered using scrolls as wedding invitations. These unique DIY wedding invitations are not only easy to produce, but they almost have the same procedure. First and foremost, you’ll need the base paper which will include the invitation itself. You can have it printed or illustrated professionally, leaving you only to put it together as you wish.
Boxes and Wedding Invitations
Specially crafted wedding invitations boxes are a nice touch when presentation is paramount. You can find many kinds of boxes, in various designs and styles that will fit your wedding invitations perfectly for your own unique DIY wedding invitations. The upside of using invitations boxes, is that you can include little trinkets in them, and also if your unique DIY wedding invitation will include a lot of delicate accessories, then you are assured that it won’t get damaged during the mailing process.
Message in a Bottle Wedding Invitation
A message in a bottle is such a romantic gesture, one that says so much, and what a wonderful way of bringing your invites good news than in a beautiful creation like this. Much like the scroll wedding invitations, you can use the same process to come up with the invite itself. Have it professionally printed on quality paper with all the wedding details, your names and personal romantic verses ready for insertion into pretty little bottles. However, obviously you will need to acquire bottles, and if you’d like you can fill up the bottom with trinkets, beads, sand, tiny pebbles, tiny seashells and other little things that would make it truly special.
Apart from the wedding invitation ideas, a great way to make unique, DreamDay Invitations has a fabulous range of DIY wedding invitations with accessories and little embellishments. We have featured a few accessories for your unique DIY wedding invitations, from the joy of paper flowers, which is an art in itself, damask and embossed or textured handmade paper to lace & ribbons which can be adorned on the wedding invitation to your own personal liking, or the use of leaf skeletons to make an imprint on the invite, or even the art of ‘stamping’. There are many things you can use to make your unique DIY wedding invitations truly wonderful. Always make a sample of what you have in mind, to figure out whether it comes out the way you want it to. Good luck!